Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Technology: Portfolio assessment on the evolution of the cell phone

Earlier this year we looked at the 'Nature of Technology' specifically looking at how an outcome has changed over time. Students recorded their findings by creating a presentation that would show off specific skills that they have learned in Technology.

These skills were drawing in 3D, drawing in proportion, enhancing work using colour and using guidelines to help with drawing. Also a really important focus was to explain the changes over time with a literacy focus. The most successful students were able to say what changes had occurred over time but also why these changes had happened.

Here are some examples of the assessments

Monday, 15 September 2014

Technology bread assessment for our Portfolios

Last week in Technology we wrote up our bread assessments for our portfolios. This is a chance to show our parents some of the skills, knowledge and understanding we have gained in our time in Technology this year.

Here is an example of what we have learned...

Lupesina Room 24 Bread Portfolio Assessment

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Making bread- understanding the function of the ingredients and the need for the processes involved when making.

Our final outcome is cooked at a high temperature to kill the yeast
 The dough has been left to prove for the second time
 Shaping the dough after the first proving
 Knocking back to remove all the carbon dioxide from the first proving
Kneading the dough to warm and stretch the gluten strands

This week, in Technology, we have been learning about bread and how to make it. To make our outcome to a high level of quality we know that we have to make sure that all the stages are done properly. We have kneaded the dough so that the gluten is warmed and stretched. We gave the yeast time to feed, to make carbon dioxide, so that the dough could rise- this is called proving- this takes place somewhere warm. Then we knocked back the dough to get all the gas out. This ensures an even texture or crumb for the second proving. Then we cooked the bread at a high temperature to kill the yeast. Our skills have developed and our knowledge about bread is much greater now.