Saturday, 28 May 2016

Specialism: Year 7 & 8 Enrichment Neighbourhood Engineer Visit Week 4

Micah visited our team again this week

he brought a wall planner so we could make a note of the visits he will make and the deadline date in October

we discussed whether we would meet in the holidays

we will make a decision closer to the time

we get to keep the calendar- it will help us to achieve our goals

we showed Micah what we had been up to since his last visit

we were able to do this on our chrome books

last week we had looked at problems that we had found around school, how we might solve them and issues raised from this

Micah wanted us to vote for the problem that concerned us the most

so we created a ranking system- 1= least important, 6= most important

we used google docs to rank our problems

now we collate our findings and investigate our problems and possible solutions

we are keeping minutes of each meeting to record our sessions

Thanks Micah- see you soon!

Specialism: Year 7 & 8 Painting with tones and using a light source

This week we have been learning to paint with tones

we were given one colour, black and white

we had to mix a light and dark tone of our colour
 and apply this to our picture

we also used fine detail brushes to help develop our skills

we mixed a light and dark tone

then our teacher showed us how to apply tones to a picture using a light source

we were to draw an arrow to show where the light was coming from and to help us understand how the light would behave

these are some of our outcomes

tones of green


we learned how to make objects seem more real with a light source and by using tones- we can apply this technique to our designs that we will print

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Specialism: Printing and sewing practice

 This week we have been using our colour enhancing skills to produce a test drawing that can be printed

add colour -to the image with our name on

Mrs Woof scanned the images, flipped them and printed them in colour then soaked them in water. We added some PVA glue to the colour print...

we needed to smear the glue...

 so it made a smooth layer over the colour copy..

when it was ready...

we turned it over and stuck it to the fabric...

and left them to dry until next week. The images were flipped so that the writing would print the right way round

we then did some sewing machine practice on learn how to control the foot pedal and not have to worry about fabric and thread...

we sewed straight lines, zig-zags, continuous lines and wavy lines- Mission Bay waves not Piha.....

Specialism: Year 7 & 8 Soft Materials

This is the first time we have done soft materials with Mrs Woof

our first lesson was to revisit our drawing skills that we have learnt
 in Year 6 or 7

we had to draw lightly

so we can rub it out if we go wrong

we focused on lettering- splitting up the space evenly

we practiced, using superhero words

this will link to what we could use later in the term

we also had to remember how to enhance our work, with colour, effectively

we remembered our success criteria- use bright colours,

light to dark, one direction

outline in the same colour- don't just reach for black

our skills came back nicely and we will use them later in the term..

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Specialism: Year 7 Fritters

Year 7's finished the term by designing and making fritters- 
sweet and savoury ideas

We had to design for different situations- protein packed, sweet, canned and fibre packed- this would show that we understood the ingredients we were using and the food groups they belonged to

we had to state stakeholders who we thought the outcome might appeal to- this would show that we understood other aspects of our outcome

we had to state texture (mouthfeel) descriptors- this descriptor is the one we find the hardest to do- which is why we have to practice it..

then we made some of our designs

we used fry pans so we had to be very careful not to burn ourselves

our batter was spooned into the fry pan

we turned them with a spatula once they started to develop air bubbles on the uncooked side


Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Specialism: Enrichment Year 7 & 8 Transpower Neighbourhood Engineers Visit

On Friday 6 May our Year 7 & 8 Enrichment Class met Micah our visiting neighbourhood engineer. Micah works near the airport for Hadyn and Rollet and is currently the site engineer for the Sistema Factory build in Mangere.

Micah started by introducing himself and explaining what a site engineer does

Our students asked lots of questions-
Do you have to be accurate?, How do you know your building will be built in time? what happens if your time estimation is wrong?

Other questions were asked- Why do you put metal in concrete?

What happens if you miss out something?

Then we toured the school to look for a suitable space for our project- 
an outdoor learning space for the school!

Micah gave the students some homework-Write a brief- what are we doing? What do we want?, How many people do we want to use the space? What is the purpose of the space?

Our students chose the space between the junior and senior school- they chose it because it is easy to get to for the whole school- the slope can be sat on, it is used to watch sports and events- issues Micah asked the team to think about were the posts and the trees

Thanks Micah- our students are looking forward to your next visit- 
but we need to do our homework first!

Monday, 2 May 2016

Specialism: Enrichment- Principals Morning Tea

At the end of Term 1 our Year 6 and 8 enrichment students planned the Principals Morning Tea for all staff at Robertson Road School- we worked to a budget and to our skill levels

Year 6 planned the sweet dishes and made them in teams

our Year 6's also helped our year 8's to make the savoury dishes too 

meat and potato pies with hand made pastry

helping prepare for potato salad

icing some cakes

topping our pies with potato

bacon and egg rolls

sandwiches and sushi


pies and rolls

some of our enrichment students

well done!- what an achievement

now we eat..