Friday, 9 June 2017

Specialist Technology: Year 7 Cornflake biscuits

This week we have been trying to deepen our understanding of a food group.. 

Bread and cereals

pulling apart and looking in detail- analysing

repeating our skills but applying them to a new recipe

weighing and measuring



new skills

for our outcome to be successful

Specialist technology: Year 8 Shop bought v homemade- Jalousie

This week our students have been using shop bought pastry to make a simple outcome

puff pastry can take 3 1/2 hours to make so sometimes we can let the experts take over and buy it

making a jalousie

roll out half the block into a rectangle- the size of the baking tray

process the ingredients...ham, cheese, onion, fruits...

ham, pineapple, cheese...

roll out the other half, fold it and cut lines on the fold

brush around the filling with water and place the lid on the top

press down around the edge

cook until golden


we also compared and contrasted the two pastry types
 to develop our analysing skills

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Specialist Technology: Year 8 Pastry

This week we have a focus that involves a high degree of skill- pastry

we have to analyse existing outcomes

then synthesize our thinking to come up with suitable outcomes to meet different needs; showing we understand how the outcome functions fully

then we make..

a simple recipe but easy to get it wrong..
rolling out is not as easy as it looks

and we have to be careful when we lift it

but when it is done right it does not shrink and 
can form the basis of many outcomes

quiche.. egg, milk, salt, pepper and many different types of fillings..

when cooked can be very tasty

we baked some blind; custard and nutella..

because our chosen fillings would not like a hot oven

Specialist technology: Year 7 Cereal Bars

This week we are looking at cereal bars and their ingredients

learning about their origins, food groups, nutrition and cost..
 lots of analysing and evaluating

a new skill to add to weighing and measuring..

using the stove to melt the butter and syrup

being safe- so pouring it into our dry ingredients close to the stove

baking our cereal bar

leaving to cool

cutting to shape