Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Specialist Technology: Year 7 Anzac Biscuits

Our Year 7's have been making Anzac biscuits. This develops their making skills within baking as they have to weigh/measure, follow the method and deal with wet and dry ingredients.

weighing and measuring

using the stove to melt the butter and syrup

adding the baking soda- watching the chemical reaction- moisture + heat = carbon dioxide

pour into the dry ingredients and mix



Now we are using HOT's (Higher order thinking skills) which are helping us understand about how food is processed.. coconut (dessicated) and what this means, how golden syrup is made, how nutritious oats are, how to compare and contrast two outcomes (analyse) and how to analyse the recipe; learning about food groups and their nutritional content, function of ingredients and approx cost.. ensuring our students focus on recipes at a deep level as well as applying their knowledge of making in the kitchen.

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