Friday, 25 November 2016

Specialism: STEM In-house solutions 1

This week we have started to make seating and bins to try and make our environment a better place for us..

Thanks to Caltex we have won some money to put towards this..

the money isn't here yet but we can't wait to start

we drilled holes in tyres that would have gone to landfill

then started to string our rope through

it wasn't as easy as it looked

but we got there in the end

now we have a seat

attach another tyre and we have seats...

each seat cost approx $1 worth of materials...

our juniors now are monitors and will look after their new seating

we made some bins for the field

three tyres of different sizes (so the bin won't roll straight if pushed over)

now we need to get everyone to use them...

more to come... thanks to the Year 4-8's 
who helped to make our new seats and bins

Specialism: Year 6 Enrichment- Steady Hand Games

This week we have been finishing our games..

The net is complete so we have to now get our components 
and solder them together

first set up the components that need to be soldered

then heat the metal

now solder in place

test your circuit

now we are finished

all our classes got one to try out

we had to explain what we did

and how we created our it's play time!

Friday, 18 November 2016

Specialism: Year 7 Pastry- Making

This week out Year 7's have been making pastry

it is a skill and quite a challenge for our students..

rub the butter and flour between fingertips.. 
be quick so we don't warm up the butter too much

add the sugar or salt and water and make a dough

roll out carefully and make sure it is well floured so it doesn't stick

cut out the pastry to fit the container... it need to be bigger then the hole..

pour in egg/milk mixture evenly

add ingredients like onion

or bacon..

then add some cheese

or for a sweet one add jam..

cook until the pastry is golden or the egg has set..


Monday, 14 November 2016

Specialism: Year 7 Pastry designs and demo

This week Year 7's have watched a demonstration on pastry.. shortcrust - sweet and savoury...

1 cup flour, 100g butter, pinch of salt, 2 tblsp water

roll out


place in tray

add fillings

egg, milk and pinch of salt

bake until cooked

or sweet pastry- with some jam- lovely warm....mmmmm!

Now we create our own designs- sweet, savoury, picnic/beach, our choice...    do we bake blind?

Friday, 11 November 2016

Specialism: Year 6 Electronics-Creating the circuit

This week Our Year 6's have been busy finishing their nets 
and creating the circuit for their game

Finishing the net-cutting and laminating

Placing the wire into the base

Adding support for the wire to ensure it stays in place- problem solving

Testing the circuit with the components

Playing the game to check the circuit works

Ensuring all the components are in place

After a soldering demonstration.. 
cutting and stripping wire ready to solder next time..

Nearly finished...

Friday, 4 November 2016

Specialism: Year 6 Electronics

This week we have been finishing our nets..

score the folds


make sure it is hot

cut around the net but leave a clear gap so it doesn't peel apart

fold, fold and fold..

keep folding

add double sided tape on the tabs

make sure the tape is in the correct place and cut to size

fold the sides and start to stick the tabs to the sides carefully until it forms a cuboid...