Wednesday 2 March 2016

Specialism Year 8- Data capture on litter

Our focus this term, in Year 8, is our whenua

Year 8's have been looking at how our lunch impacts ourselves our tangata whenua (people of the land)

we collected data on our own lunches and analysed how healthy they are
we also looked at the impact our lunches had on our whenua

we collected data on our litter- whether we could reuse, recycle, compost or whether we throw it into the bin to go to landfill- we did a tally chart and presented our data as a pictogram/pictograph by converting our findings to a percentage

collecting data on types of litter

most of the litter was in the bins

some of it we found on the floor

our findings- up to 80% of our litter was plastic- wrap, gladwrap and could not be recycled- it will end up in land fill...

this is how our lunches impact our whenua- we will begin to look at easy, nutritious ways of changing our habits and relying less on packaging....our focus is still tangata whenua but also now...

manaaki whenua- cherish, conserve, sustain

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