Sunday 23 October 2016

Specialism: Year 7 Easy pizzas

This term our year 7's are learning about food- finger food- in preparation for our Year 8 Graduation Ball

Our Year 7's will have to cater for this...

first we prepare the toppings and make the sauce

put the bread on the tray

and spread on the sauce with the back of a spoon

make sure it is evenly spread- use any bread you like

now sprinkle a small amount of grated cheese on

we use Tasty cheese

it has a strong flavour- so we can use less of it

sprinkle evenly

now add the prepared toppings

bacon, ham, beans, onion, sweetcorn, spaghetti.... or whatever you like

bake in the oven

until hot

when slightly cool eat- these are best straight out of the oven

our students have to show their thinking when designing...
how are ingredients processed, who is the stakeholder, do I know my fibre and protein based foods, what base should I use?

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