Friday 28 October 2016

Specialism: Year 7 Burgers, hot chips and coleslaw

This week our year 7's have been learning about how to make good healthy homemade versions of fast food.

Home made burger patties that contain salt and minced beef

rolled into even sized patties

baked in the oven

so the fat drips off

hot chips- 
potatoes have the skin left on because this is where all the goodness is
flavouring is added with a little oil
1 tsp garlic salt, 1 tsp smoked paprika, 1 tsp dried parsley

the potatoes are microwaved with a little water for approx 8 mins then baked in a hot oven with the oil and flavouring sprinkled on 

when the hot chips are soft add the burger patties as they take only minutes to cook and the chips can brown off

while they are cooking- shred 1/4 cabbage, grate one carrot and dice half a small onion- add 1 tbsp mayonnaise and mix

now taste...

our students then designed their own patties- some added diced onion, jalepenos, breadcrumbs etc

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